Sunday, October 24, 2010

Working on 25

I did a little work on chapter 25 tonight. Not much, but it's a start. Mostly what I did was to go over the first scene I had written months ago and make some revisions. I did add some more afterward. I'm hoping that I'm about a quarter of the way through the chapter, based on what I plan for it to include. Now I just need to pray that I can keep working at it. At least I can say that I did something, which at the moment seems like a pretty significant milestone.

Water Heater Inconsistency

While I was reading through Moxibustion Violation I spotted an error on my part. In chapter 18, Ranma and Akane sneak into Ucchan's, and Ranma uses hot water from the faucet to change back into a guy. He remarks, “I wonder why the hell she left the hot water heater running? Guess she didn’t expect to be gone that long when she went looking for me.” Then in chapter 24, they go into Ucchan's again on Christmas Day on the way back from the farm, and this time Ranma has to heat water in a pot to change back to male. I wrote, "... even if she had turned off the hot water heater before leaving."

Oh well. For now I think I'll just leave it that way. I'm not in the mood to fix either one of them at the moment.


As I reported, the dosage on my medication was reduced and I'm starting to feel a bit more like my old self. This won't solve the problem of having less time to write, but I'm very hopeful I will at least start writing again. In fact, I've spent the last week re-reading Moxibustion Violation in my spare time, from start to finish. It felt good to, hm, thoroughly enjoy it. I felt that it was necessary to do this in order to re-familiarize myself with my story before I started writing on it again. I haven't actually started, but I'm feeling good about it and a lot more hopeful that I will be getting back to it.

While reading through it I found a number of spelling errors, the most egregious of which was "socks" where I meant "cocks". I'd like to correct these errors in the posted story, but I think I should hold off until I have the next chapter ready. I don't want to falsely raise people's hopes with an update, only to discover that there's no new chapter yet.

Damn, it feels like I'm forgetting something I meant to add here. Something I was thinking about at 4:00 in the morning, right before I went to bed. Of course, given the typical clarity of thought after staying up that late, it was probably something totally meaningless.

Friday, October 15, 2010

RHB Update

I just stopped by Ranma Hentai Books and saw that they've updated at last! Furthermore, this update is more than just a handful of pictures. Now if only they were willing to start collecting for the general galleries again.

One piece of news on their update is that they've started a wiki section. The purpose of this wiki is to gather information on all things Ranma hentai. Not just pictures either, but information on videos, stories, artists, authors, and anything else so long as it deals with Ranma 1/2 and has something to do with hentai, ecchi, lemon, etc. material. Currently all of the pages in there are about their own publications, plus a link to StFan's lemon archive, but that's pretty understandable. People have to know about its existence before they can start adding additional material.

I do wish that StFan had the time and/or energy to update the lemon archive. But then, I'm hardly one to talk lately, am I?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Practices I'll Use

The dosage on my medication has been reduced, and I'm feeling a little more my old self. I'm hopeful I might be able to start writing again before too long.

From time to time people have written to me about their ideas of things I might include in my story, something which I encourage, as I like hearing people's ideas even if more likely than not they don't fit into my plans. Occasionally this has led to discussions about what sort of things I find appealing, or which make me cringe. This happened again recently, and inspired me to write a little piece here on what sort of sexual activities / practices / what-have-you I might willingly include in a story.

Straight sex - petting, cunnilingus, fellatio, vaginal intercouse. Well, duh. Obviously I'll include these in my stories.

Anal intercourse. Yep, happy to include this, and already have. However, I'm likely to take a somewhat realistic approach to it, such as insisting on the use of lubricant by the characters.

Same gender activities. Doesn't really ring my bell. Unlike what seems to be the majority of males, I get no special buzz out of watching or thinking about girl-on-girl action. However, I'm willing to include it out of the knowledge that many of my readers will enjoy it. I'm less likely to include guy-on-guy, but I won't rule it out absolutely.

D/S. My stories would almost certainly include dominance/submission stuff, in the male dom / female sub form. It is much less likely I'd include anything with a male submissive or female dominant, except for special cases like Ranma being submissive in her female form.

Spanking. Hell yes. Practically guaranteed in any story that I write. Mmm, just the thought of tanning Akane's cute little bottom ... Incidentally, if there are any women out there reading this in need of a sound spanking from a stern father figure ... oops, oh hi dear, didn't see you walk in behind me. No, no, put the mallet down! I promise you're the only one I want to spank!

Humiliation. Again, practically guaranteed. I really get off on stories where the girls are forced to say or do things they find humiliating. Especially if they find themselves turned on in spite of themselves.

Rape. What can I say? I like dark erotica. So yes, rape would be a reasonable theme in my stories. It wouldn't appear in every story, however. And always bear in mind it's just fantasy. I'd tell you how I think real rapists should be dealt with, but I'm afraid some of my readers here might be too squeamish.

Torture. Psychological, yes. Physical, not too severe. Extreme physical torture which borders on maiming (or worse) is a turn off.

Role playing. Might appear here and there. It's not a big thing for me though.

Piercing. Not in any story of mine, sorry. I know many of my readers like it, but personally it's a major turn off, so I just can't write it. I have trouble looking a girl in the face if she has an eyebrow piercing. Much otherwise good pornography is ruined for me by navel piercings.

Tattoos. These are okay with me if they're relatively discrete, though I don't personally find extensive displays attractive. Tattoos wouldn't show up commonly in my stories, although I might have a character get one as a submission thing - as a mark of being owned, that sort of thing.

Watersports. Not at all likely to appear in my stories. I have to be in an unusual state of mind to find the idea slightly erotic, so it is improbable that I would write it into a story.

Scat. Ick. No way. Nor anything which hints of it to me, such as licking or tongue-probing an anus, or tasting semen which has emerged from an asshole. Sorry, but anal penetration (fingers, toys, intercourse, enemas) is the closest that I'll get to this.

Bestiality. Maybe. That's as far as I'll go right now. I can see myself writing some scenes, particularly, though not necessarily, if it involves someone with a Jusenkyo curse. I don't expect to have any such thing in Moxibustion Violation. And if I write any such scenes in future, it would only be female human and male animal.

Threesomes, orgies, etc. Sure, why not?

Voyeurism, exhibitionism. Yes, with limitations. If exposure is forced on someone, then I'm not likely to write it in a way which would lead to large scale public awareness of it. I.e., I'm not really into lives which are "publicly ruined" (although non-public trauma is another matter entirely).

Cuckold. Depends. I'm okay with writing it so long as I can identify with the guy doing the cuckolding. I don't think I could write it if I find myself identifying with the guy being cuckolded.

Incest. No problem here. Brother/sister, father/daughter, mother/son, more distant relations - I'm cool with writing it as long as the rest of the plot is sufficiently erotic to me.

Pedophilia. That depends on your definition. MV has already involved some sex between adults and a sixteen year old, but I don't really regard that as pedophilia. I can't see myself writing anything involving prepubescent children. Since I'm most likely to write in the Ranma universe, and since the characters there are all at least sixteen, the issue is unlikely to arise.

Fetishism. Too many possibilities to list individually. But generally speaking, I wouldn't object to including most such in a story if it works with the plot.

Mind control. If I keep writing long enough after MV, I'll probably dip into this theme. After all, there are so many good possibilities in Ranma 1/2. Kairaishi mushrooms, fishing rods of love, etc., etc.

Monday, October 4, 2010


I wonder what's up with the Ranma Hentai Books site. Here we are into October, and still waiting for the mid-September update. It's a pity they decided to change their policy on the artwork they post, as they carry a lot less of it these days.

I'd like to suggest that people check out Ranma's Tattoo Blues, the latest story by Imsadistic / obsidians. The first chapter makes it look like it could be pretty good, even if it doesn't end up with any lemon content. Can't you just picture everyone — even Akane — trying to trick Ranma into letting them get a look at his ass so they can learn whose name is there? Or in some cases not even bothering with trickery, but just going for brute force ripping them off?

I could also see a future chapter where the four fiancees get together to conspire on a means to find out whose name is on Ranma's backside. During the planning session they get drunk, and end up going out and getting tattoos of their own. Akane could get a galloping stallion, kind of like the headband she wore in Fighting Chance. Maybe in the end Ranma could agree to a session of "I'll show you mine if all of you show me yours."