Monday, May 23, 2011

Pariah's Review

Regarding Pariah's review of Examination:

Hehe. Well played.

I guess you needed a break from the drama and moodiness. Good outcome.

I suppose the only criticism I have is that the sexual description was lacking. But, as you say, I suppose too much emphasis on that would ruin the clinical decorum.

I was half expecting them to do an anal exam after her preliminary stretching. But I suppose expanding beyond the humiliation aspect of having a sexual toy up her ass would be pushing it.

I don't know whether I needed a break or not. But inspiration hit, and I had to surrender to it. Sorry about the lack of sexual description, but it seemed right at the time. For that matter, I still think it's right.

I did consider doing some more anally, but decided against it. Porn or not, I felt it would stretch the scenario too far for the film crew to get away with clearly anal procedures. After all, it was supposed to be an examination by a gynecologist, not a gastroenterologist.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I've calmed down some since making the post earlier today. For the time being, at least, I will continue to use AFFnet. Unless in making future attempts, I find it really is going to be more trouble than it's worth to try to post there.

Examination Posted

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Examination Draft 1

I've just finished the first draft of the story mentioned in my two previous posts, Examination. Now I need to go back and clean it up, get it ready for posting. Which will hopefully take place sometime tomorrow (Sunday).

Today I came across an announcement of a possible Ranma lemon contest on the following forum:

I'm feeling a little sad that the contest hasn't started, since I feel that this story would be perfect for an entry in it. However, I have no intention to withhold posting the story just to try to submit to this contest, assuming they can even get it off the ground anytime soon.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Good Progress

I've almost finished that story I wrote about in my last post, although by "finished" I mean finished the initial writing. I'd still have to go back through and clean it up.

Of course, now the work week is starting and we're still putting in some overtime even though I didn't have to work this weekend. So I'm not sure just how quickly I can finish the thing. Still, I'm hopeful that I'll be able to post it by the end of next weekend at the latest.

Then I need to get back to Moxibustion Violation.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Afraid I'm not posting to report progress on MV, although I promise to get back to it real-soon-now. The problem is, I got inspired to write a one-shot, and I'm already about halfway through it. It'll be solely about female Ranma, in the hands of some people who are taking advantage of her. Nonconsensual, technically, but not dark. Certainly not like MV, anyway.

I suppose I might have been inspired by some of the recent stuff appearing on nonktube. I'll leave you to ponder the possibilities that might suggest.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hung Like A ...

It seems to me that the Jusenkyo guide is missing out on a fabulous business opportunity. He could make up small vials of water from the Spring of Drowned Horse, and advertise it as a miracle product for increasing penis size. The instructions would very explicitly state to apply to nothing except the penis. Of course, some dumbasses would screw it up. I can just see Kuno now ...

Note that canon supports the notion that the spring water affects only what it comes in contact with. When the water from the Spring of Drowned Twins dripped on the bump on Happosai's head, it turned that bump into two bumps.

Hmmm. Now that I think about it, there might be a problem with the idea. If vaginal secretions are similar enough to water, and warm enough, then the penis might revert to its uncursed state upon penetration. Could come as a bit of a surprise, to both parties.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Musings on Pornography

Why does 90% of lemon/pornographic fan-fiction read like it was written by a virgin who's never seen a real girl in the nude before?

When are people who write amateur pornography going to learn that the hymen is at the entrance and not halfway down the vagina?

Likewise when will they learn that the tip of the penis does not press against the cervix during intercourse, and that if it could penetrate the cervix then that prick would have to have a really weird bend in it?

Why are males in pornographic films and pictures so mentally retarded that they don't realize their semen is supposed to end up inside the vagina, and not on the girl's belly or ass?

Every time I read about an inexperienced girl drooling over the sight of a massive penis, I roll my eyes. Real inexperienced girls are generally nervous about the size of a perfectly average penis. Something twelve inches long and two inches thick would probably make them scream and run away.

It's amazing how often one reads about two virgins having an absolutely fabulous first time together. No awkwardness. No learning curve. Pleasuring each other as skillfully as someone with years of experience.

It's equally amazing how often two completely inexperienced lovers immediately start experimenting with anal sex, role playing, bondage, etc.

For the life of me I'll never understand why people who draw pornographic scenes like to draw the girls with tits bigger than basketballs. To me, such girls look malformed, which detracts from the viewing pleasure. I find it much more erotic when the girls are portrayed with breasts which look realistic.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

More 29

I've had to work overtime the last few weekends, which hasn't left me time for much of anything. At least not once I took care of things I had to do. I did get a chunk of chapter 29 written today, but still have a long way to go. Hopefully sometime within the next few weeks the pressure will ease up some, and I'll be able to get some more writing done.