Sorry not to have updated in so long. The truth is, my health took a turn for the worse back in September. A minor event that put me in the hospital for a couple of days, and pretty much wiped me out. I was forced to take some time off from work, and haven't had the energy for doing much other than reading and watching TV. (Great football game today.)
Let me tell you, getting older sucks. It sure would be nice to go back to being 20 again. Or 30. Or 40 ...
At this time, it is still my intention to continue writing. I really don't want to leave MV where it currently is. I actually do have an ending in mind, and would like to get there. However, if I can get back to writing, I may need to fast forward over some parts in order to try to make sure that I get to that end. Well, time will tell.
One of my reviewers suggested that the problem was with the point I had reached in the story, and that maybe I should try starting a new story. It was a reasonable thing to think, and in fact, I've had a few thoughts that way myself. Unfortunately, a couple of half-hearted attempts to start something new haven't proved very successful either. It might still be good advice, but it seems like everything is going to remain stuck where it is until I can find the energy to start writing at all.