In this cartoon idea, Akane is to be spanked by virtually every member of the Ranma 1/2 cast. In the foreground, a male Ranma is sitting and holding Akane over his knees, spanking her. Ranma is wearing his usual Chinese outfit. Akane is wearing her gi, with pants and panties pulled down, and top and sports bra pulled up to expose her tits, either pulled up to her shoulders, or all the way over her head and onto her arms. Akane's ass is generally red, but with one particularly red handprint standing out. There are tears in Akane's eyes.
A line of people containing other cast members are standing behind Ranma, or off to the side, waiting for their turn to spank Akane. First in line is Tatewaki Kuno, in his kendo outfit, rolling up a sleeve. Next is Happosai, rubbing his palms together and giggling. Then Genma Saotome in gi with arms crossed, looking stern, accompanied by his wife Nodoka wearing a kimono and looking regal. After them are Principal Kuno and an adult form Hinako Ninomiya, both giving test swings to paddles. Next are Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi, with Shampoo and Kodachi looking envious of the large spatula Ukyo is carrying (but smaller than her battle spatula). Then comes Kasumi holding a large hairbrush, pursing her lips and frowning. Beside Kasumi but a bit out of line is Nabiki, counting money, possibly suggesting people have paid her to join the line. Beyond Akane's sisters are her two best friends, Yuka and Sayuri each with a riding crop, looking nervous and not quite sure how good an idea this is, but wanting to go through with it. Peeking out from behind Yuka and Sayuri is the head of Hikaru Gosunkugi.
Note that I've left out Ryoga, Akane's father Soun, Doctor Tofu, and the other Amazons Cologne and Mousse, not to mention a host of bit players. Any of these could be added in as desired.
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