Saturday, April 18, 2020

Special Sauce

For this cartoon idea, Akane and Ranma are sitting out in the schoolyard of Furinkan High School. They are eating their lunches out of bento boxes, and seem to be doing so with great pleasure. Akane comments to Ranma, "I wonder what this sauce is that Kasumi used today?" Ranma, in female form for some reason, replies, "Yeah! It tastes really great!"

Meanwhile, Hikaru Gosunkugi is standing behind a tree, which is itself in the background behind Akane and Ranma. He has his huge cock hanging out, mostly limp, holding it with one hand. A knowing look is on his face, and semen is dripping from the end of his prick.

(Presumably Akane and Ranma were distracted for a few minutes a short time ago. Perhaps they had to beat up Kuno or something, while the sauce was being added to their lunches.)

Friday, April 17, 2020

Alternate Mother

The setting for this cartoon idea is inside the Tendo dojo. A slightly older Akane Saotome née Tendo is standing to one side wearing either a gi or casual clothing. She is holding a baby boy with black hair, although the hair may perhaps have a bluish tint. Female Ranma — also looking slightly older — is nude and down on the wooden floor of the dojo, either on hands and knees or on elbows and knees. Ranma is restrained in some manner, such as ropes around wrists and knees, or in some other manner. Ranma's face is turned upward to look at Akane with a beseeching expression, as if she has just asked a question related to her horror over her current situation. Ryoga Hibiki is kneeling behind Ranma, fucking her enthusiastically with an enormous prick.

Akane is saying to Ranma, "Because there's no way that I'm going through another pregnancy — let alone a repeat of that 11 hour hell of childbirth! Since it's your mother who's insisting on having at least four grandchildren, then you can be the one to give her the others! That's why!"

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Magical Girl Akane

In this cartoon idea, Akane Tendo is standing outdoors somewhere, looking down at herself in shock and anger. She is wearing a magical girl costume consisting of boots, stockings, a belt around her waist, some type of harness which encircles her tits, some type of crown or tiara, a staff weapon or similar held in her hand, and possibly gloves. However, her tits, ass, and pussy are all fully exposed. Beside Akane is a genie whose lower part is smoke funneling out of a lamp on the ground.

Akane is shouting to the genie, "This isn't the uniform I had in mind when I wished to be a magical girl!" The genie is shrugging and replies to her, "That uniform looks great to me. Not that it matters, since you're all out of wishes now."

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Unlucky Day

A fairly simple, and dark, cartoon idea, and not original at all. Akane Tendo is lying on her back on the ground, spread-eagled, with her wrists and ankles tied to large stakes or poles driven deeply into the ground. She is nude, scratched up, and with some bruises. There are tears in her eyes and tear tracks on her face. There is a mix of semen and blood on the ground under her ass, and possibly more drops of semen elsewhere, such as her face. A boy in a Furinkan school uniform is standing at Akane's feet, looking down at her.

Akane says, "Please help me! I've been raped!"

The boy is grinning and unbuckling his pants. He replies, "This is really your unlucky day, isn't it?"

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Phobia Cure

This cartoon idea is set in Doctor Tofu's clinic, in an examination room. Female Ranma is nude, up on an examination table on her elbows and knees with her ass high in the air. She is drawn to look cat-like to suggest that she is in the neko-ken state, similar to the way her face was drawn in the manga at such times. Doctor Tofu is kneeling behind Ranma, also naked, and fucking her. He is wearing cosplay cat ears on his head, and has a tail attached to a butt plug stuffed in his ass. Tofu is holding a telephone, and is saying to someone on the other end, "Yes, I think my cure for Ranma's cat phobia is starting to work!"


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Monday, April 13, 2020

Chikan Rape

This cartoon idea has a caption which reads, "If the weakness moxibustion had never been cured." The setting is a train or subway, which female Ranma is riding, standing in the car and wearing a short dress. The dress is pulled down her arms and in front, exposing her tits, while a man in front of her gleefully squeezes those tits. The dress is also pulled up in back, exposing her ass, and we can see her panty pulled down around her knees. Meanwhile there is also a man standing behind her with his cock out, which disappears between her legs, clearly stuffed inside of Ranma and fucking her. Ranma has her face and eyes turned down in shame, and is making no effort to defend herself.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Everyone is Taken

In this cartoon idea, Ranma is standing in the door of Akane's bedroom with his jaw hanging. He is holding, currently disregarded, a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and an open box showing an engagement ring in the other hand. Akane is on her bed, naked, straddling and fucking Ryu Kumon (the guy who once pretended to be Ranma to Ranma's mother Nodoka). Akane says over her shoulder to Ranma, "It's not my fault you waited so long to make up your mind. All of us got tired of waiting and made our own choices."

In small images around the edges of the cartoon frame, we see the following:
Shampoo fucking Mousse.
Ukyo fucking Ryoga.
Kodachi fucking her brother Tatewaki.
Kasumi fucking Doctor Tofu.
Nabiki having lesbian sex with the adult Hinako Ninomiya, a bowl containing fighting fish beside them to keep her adult.

This cartoon could obviously be varied by swapping the couples around to fit an individual's personal tastes.

That's the last of the cartoon ideas I had ready to post. Actually, the last few were ones I came up with after I originally started posting this series. So it's quite possible that I'll add still more later on.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Selective Amnesia

In this cartoon idea, Genma and Ranma have just arrived at the Tendo house for the first time, but in their true forms — Genma as a human and not a panda, Ranma as a boy and not a girl. They are standing on the engawa, looking through the open shoji at the family room. Both are wearing gis and backpacks, and are staring in shock with their jaws dropped.

Inside the family room are Soun Tendo and his three daughters, all four of them completely nude. Soun is sitting on the floor with his legs straight out flat on the floor, and his back resting against something, perhaps a wall or the kotatsu. His oldest daughter Kasumi is straddling his lap, with her back to him (and thus facing the Saotomes), and she is fucking herself on his large cock. Youngest daughter Akane is lying on the floor beside these two, with her cunt being plowed by a strap-on worn by middle daughter Nabiki. Soun is reaching over and squeezing one of Akane's tits.

Soun says to Genma, "You say you want your son to marry one of my daughters? Sorry, but I have no memory of making any such agreement. Let me know where you two decide to stay, and maybe we'll get together for a drink someday."

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Guards Using the Prisoner

In this cartoon idea, the setting is a prison cell underneath Ho'o Peak, a mountain which you may recall is the home of the Phoenix People. In the Saffron arc involving these people, Captain Kiima of the guards used Jusenkyo water to curse herself to turn into a double of Akane Tendo in order to fool Ranma. At that time, Akane was being kept in such a prison cell.

So, in the cartoon, the door to the prison cell would be open, showing the interior clearly. Inside the cell are two or more guards, with two of them double penetrating a nude girl who appears to be Akane. One guard is squatting, with "Akane" sitting in his lap, her ass impaled on his cock. Another guard is in front, fucking "Akane's" cunt. A manacle is on one of her ankles, with a chain attached to the wall. This "Akane" is yelling, "I'm telling you! The real Tendo girl switched places with me! I'm your captain, you morons! Just splash me with some hot water and you'll see!"

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

University Student

The setting for this cartoon idea is a university dorm room, with the point of view from above and to the side of a bed. Akane Tendo is lying face up, naked, with her legs spread very wide apart, and she is being double penetrated. One man is lying on his back on the bed, below Akane, with his thick prick impaling her ass. Another man is above Akane, fucking her cunt with his even thicker cock. This man above Akane is bent upward, holding himself up with his hands on the bed and arms straight, in order to give a clear view of Akane's face and tits. He is also positioned so the viewer can see the two cocks embedded in Akane's holes.

Akane is holding a telephone to her ear and is carrying on a conversation.
"Yes, Ranma, I'm studying really hard here at the university ..."
"No, you shouldn't come to visit ..."
"Because you need to stay there and run our dojo ..."
"Me too. I really miss sex with your little penis."
Thinking: Not.
"And I can't wait to have your tongue buried in my pussy again."
Thinking: And cleaning up after the real men.

On another note, I only have a couple more of these cartoon ideas in the queue to post right now.