Tuesday, April 14, 2020


I've decided to switch back to the embedded commenting style, which allows embedded comments. I turned this off originally because if someone blocked third-party cookies, then they would not be able to leave comments. However, it is customary these days for browsers to be able to set individual sites to turn off the blocking. So, if you want to leave a comment, you need to either
  • Have your browser set to allow third-party cookies.
  • Temporarily change your browser to allow third-party cookies, then change it back.
  • Or use the browser specific method to allow third-party cookies for blogspot.com.

Note that if you have two browsers installed, such as Google-Chrome and Firefox (among others), then you could set one of them to block third-party cookies and mostly use it, while setting the other to allow them, and only use that one for a few sites where it is reasonable.

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