Saturday, August 10, 2024

AI Rant

God, I wish we could ban all of the AI-generated garbage from our erotic cartoon sites! 99.99% of it is so bland and uninspiring that I can't imagine it producing an erection in a horny teenager. (Or the equivalent for teenagers of the female persuasion.) And it seems like every time someone inflicts more of this crap on us, they can't resist the urge to post a few dozen highly similar images, each one as worthless as the next. And the steaming piles of such so bury the remaining enticing posts by actual artists, that those few gems can slip by unnoticed as one's eyes skim through as quickly as possible in self defense of one's libido. I know it is theoretically possible to use sufficiently creative prompts to produce something with AI which can grab one's proper interest, but that accounts for the 0.01% leftover in the above figure, which to no degree makes me feel more forgiving toward the rest of the fecal matter.

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