Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ladies of the Tendo-Ke Volume 0

A doujinshi was recently put up on E-Hentai Galleries which purports to be a Volume 0 of The Ladies of the Tendo-Ke. I've come across other volumes under that title before, but I don't recall seeing this one. It's in Spanish, and I haven't been able to locate an English translation.

The basic story seems to be that Akane takes P-chan to bed with her. The little pig, feeling amorous, manages to work himself into Akane's clothes, loosening them while doing so. He helps to get her off, but then gets all depressed when she makes it apparent that she's dreaming of Ranma while he's doing this.


  1. I really like the drawing style of the author - very close to the original manga, yet bit more detailed and sexy.

  2. Japanese version -

  3. Hello H.Saotome, I hope you are in a good health!, Any news from you?.I hope to read new updates on your blog and MV.
