Thursday, March 31, 2016

5 More Months

Sorry to disappear again so soon after my last reappearance. What happened was, almost immediately after my previous post last October, I was laid off and fell into a severe depression. I spent a score of years at that fucking job, before they tossed me aside. Of course, I understand why. The company was moving in new directions, and didn't need as many people maintaining the existing parts of the business. And getting rid of me meant cutting a pretty large salary out of their costs. Yay, loyalty.

I can't afford to retire yet, but at my age it's not so easy convincing someone new to hire me. I'm still looking. I'm not digging into previous investments yet, they at least gave me a decent severance package so I've got a bit longer to go, and I've got some prospects. But you can understand the depression.

Anyway, I wouldn't go expecting to hear too much from me in the near future. Of course, if anything does turn up, you can be pleasantly surprised. I have been working on a little project lately, but inspiration is very much a come and go thing at the moment.

Sometimes it's hard to remember those heady days when I was first writing MV, putting out chapters rapidly. So much shit has happened since then. Here's hoping life gets better again someday.


  1. all the best. I'm sure things will work out.

  2. Well, at last you're alive. Remember that we're still here for you.

  3. Keep my finger's crossed for you. There are rumors that the economy is picking up, maybe they are even true.

  4. Something just made me to check the site after a really long time. And it seems I was right. I hope you'll be fine anyway and maybe write something more. I always blamed myself for discovering this blog just a little more that year ago, because I'm fan of Ranma and it's fandom.

  5. Sorry to hear that. Best of luck and don't let the bstards grind you down.
