Saturday, April 18, 2020

Special Sauce

For this cartoon idea, Akane and Ranma are sitting out in the schoolyard of Furinkan High School. They are eating their lunches out of bento boxes, and seem to be doing so with great pleasure. Akane comments to Ranma, "I wonder what this sauce is that Kasumi used today?" Ranma, in female form for some reason, replies, "Yeah! It tastes really great!"

Meanwhile, Hikaru Gosunkugi is standing behind a tree, which is itself in the background behind Akane and Ranma. He has his huge cock hanging out, mostly limp, holding it with one hand. A knowing look is on his face, and semen is dripping from the end of his prick.

(Presumably Akane and Ranma were distracted for a few minutes a short time ago. Perhaps they had to beat up Kuno or something, while the sauce was being added to their lunches.)

Friday, April 17, 2020

Alternate Mother

The setting for this cartoon idea is inside the Tendo dojo. A slightly older Akane Saotome née Tendo is standing to one side wearing either a gi or casual clothing. She is holding a baby boy with black hair, although the hair may perhaps have a bluish tint. Female Ranma — also looking slightly older — is nude and down on the wooden floor of the dojo, either on hands and knees or on elbows and knees. Ranma is restrained in some manner, such as ropes around wrists and knees, or in some other manner. Ranma's face is turned upward to look at Akane with a beseeching expression, as if she has just asked a question related to her horror over her current situation. Ryoga Hibiki is kneeling behind Ranma, fucking her enthusiastically with an enormous prick.

Akane is saying to Ranma, "Because there's no way that I'm going through another pregnancy — let alone a repeat of that 11 hour hell of childbirth! Since it's your mother who's insisting on having at least four grandchildren, then you can be the one to give her the others! That's why!"

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Magical Girl Akane

In this cartoon idea, Akane Tendo is standing outdoors somewhere, looking down at herself in shock and anger. She is wearing a magical girl costume consisting of boots, stockings, a belt around her waist, some type of harness which encircles her tits, some type of crown or tiara, a staff weapon or similar held in her hand, and possibly gloves. However, her tits, ass, and pussy are all fully exposed. Beside Akane is a genie whose lower part is smoke funneling out of a lamp on the ground.

Akane is shouting to the genie, "This isn't the uniform I had in mind when I wished to be a magical girl!" The genie is shrugging and replies to her, "That uniform looks great to me. Not that it matters, since you're all out of wishes now."

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Unlucky Day

A fairly simple, and dark, cartoon idea, and not original at all. Akane Tendo is lying on her back on the ground, spread-eagled, with her wrists and ankles tied to large stakes or poles driven deeply into the ground. She is nude, scratched up, and with some bruises. There are tears in her eyes and tear tracks on her face. There is a mix of semen and blood on the ground under her ass, and possibly more drops of semen elsewhere, such as her face. A boy in a Furinkan school uniform is standing at Akane's feet, looking down at her.

Akane says, "Please help me! I've been raped!"

The boy is grinning and unbuckling his pants. He replies, "This is really your unlucky day, isn't it?"

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Phobia Cure

This cartoon idea is set in Doctor Tofu's clinic, in an examination room. Female Ranma is nude, up on an examination table on her elbows and knees with her ass high in the air. She is drawn to look cat-like to suggest that she is in the neko-ken state, similar to the way her face was drawn in the manga at such times. Doctor Tofu is kneeling behind Ranma, also naked, and fucking her. He is wearing cosplay cat ears on his head, and has a tail attached to a butt plug stuffed in his ass. Tofu is holding a telephone, and is saying to someone on the other end, "Yes, I think my cure for Ranma's cat phobia is starting to work!"


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Monday, April 13, 2020

Chikan Rape

This cartoon idea has a caption which reads, "If the weakness moxibustion had never been cured." The setting is a train or subway, which female Ranma is riding, standing in the car and wearing a short dress. The dress is pulled down her arms and in front, exposing her tits, while a man in front of her gleefully squeezes those tits. The dress is also pulled up in back, exposing her ass, and we can see her panty pulled down around her knees. Meanwhile there is also a man standing behind her with his cock out, which disappears between her legs, clearly stuffed inside of Ranma and fucking her. Ranma has her face and eyes turned down in shame, and is making no effort to defend herself.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Everyone is Taken

In this cartoon idea, Ranma is standing in the door of Akane's bedroom with his jaw hanging. He is holding, currently disregarded, a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and an open box showing an engagement ring in the other hand. Akane is on her bed, naked, straddling and fucking Ryu Kumon (the guy who once pretended to be Ranma to Ranma's mother Nodoka). Akane says over her shoulder to Ranma, "It's not my fault you waited so long to make up your mind. All of us got tired of waiting and made our own choices."

In small images around the edges of the cartoon frame, we see the following:
Shampoo fucking Mousse.
Ukyo fucking Ryoga.
Kodachi fucking her brother Tatewaki.
Kasumi fucking Doctor Tofu.
Nabiki having lesbian sex with the adult Hinako Ninomiya, a bowl containing fighting fish beside them to keep her adult.

This cartoon could obviously be varied by swapping the couples around to fit an individual's personal tastes.

That's the last of the cartoon ideas I had ready to post. Actually, the last few were ones I came up with after I originally started posting this series. So it's quite possible that I'll add still more later on.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Selective Amnesia

In this cartoon idea, Genma and Ranma have just arrived at the Tendo house for the first time, but in their true forms — Genma as a human and not a panda, Ranma as a boy and not a girl. They are standing on the engawa, looking through the open shoji at the family room. Both are wearing gis and backpacks, and are staring in shock with their jaws dropped.

Inside the family room are Soun Tendo and his three daughters, all four of them completely nude. Soun is sitting on the floor with his legs straight out flat on the floor, and his back resting against something, perhaps a wall or the kotatsu. His oldest daughter Kasumi is straddling his lap, with her back to him (and thus facing the Saotomes), and she is fucking herself on his large cock. Youngest daughter Akane is lying on the floor beside these two, with her cunt being plowed by a strap-on worn by middle daughter Nabiki. Soun is reaching over and squeezing one of Akane's tits.

Soun says to Genma, "You say you want your son to marry one of my daughters? Sorry, but I have no memory of making any such agreement. Let me know where you two decide to stay, and maybe we'll get together for a drink someday."

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Guards Using the Prisoner

In this cartoon idea, the setting is a prison cell underneath Ho'o Peak, a mountain which you may recall is the home of the Phoenix People. In the Saffron arc involving these people, Captain Kiima of the guards used Jusenkyo water to curse herself to turn into a double of Akane Tendo in order to fool Ranma. At that time, Akane was being kept in such a prison cell.

So, in the cartoon, the door to the prison cell would be open, showing the interior clearly. Inside the cell are two or more guards, with two of them double penetrating a nude girl who appears to be Akane. One guard is squatting, with "Akane" sitting in his lap, her ass impaled on his cock. Another guard is in front, fucking "Akane's" cunt. A manacle is on one of her ankles, with a chain attached to the wall. This "Akane" is yelling, "I'm telling you! The real Tendo girl switched places with me! I'm your captain, you morons! Just splash me with some hot water and you'll see!"

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

University Student

The setting for this cartoon idea is a university dorm room, with the point of view from above and to the side of a bed. Akane Tendo is lying face up, naked, with her legs spread very wide apart, and she is being double penetrated. One man is lying on his back on the bed, below Akane, with his thick prick impaling her ass. Another man is above Akane, fucking her cunt with his even thicker cock. This man above Akane is bent upward, holding himself up with his hands on the bed and arms straight, in order to give a clear view of Akane's face and tits. He is also positioned so the viewer can see the two cocks embedded in Akane's holes.

Akane is holding a telephone to her ear and is carrying on a conversation.
"Yes, Ranma, I'm studying really hard here at the university ..."
"No, you shouldn't come to visit ..."
"Because you need to stay there and run our dojo ..."
"Me too. I really miss sex with your little penis."
Thinking: Not.
"And I can't wait to have your tongue buried in my pussy again."
Thinking: And cleaning up after the real men.

On another note, I only have a couple more of these cartoon ideas in the queue to post right now.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Victim Arrested

Warning: this one is kind of racist, or misogynist, or something bad of that sort.

This cartoon idea is set somewhere outdoors — an alley would be good. Tatewaki Kuno is lying on the ground unconscious, with his pants pulled down. His penis is limp but glistening, and has semen dripping from it. Nearby two policemen are dragging Shampoo away in handcuffs. She is completely nude, with signs of recent restraint, such as ropes tied around her arms with broken ends of the ropes dangling. Likewise broken ropes tied around her ankles if her ankles are in the frame. Shampoo also has semen stains on her thighs and pussy.

Shampoo says to the police, "Why you arrest Shampoo? Crazy boy is one who drug and rape Shampoo!" One of the policemen responds, "Your crime is being a foreigner who resisted sex from a worthy young Japanese male. You tried to refuse the honor of receiving his semen."

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Ucchan's Back Room

The setting for this cartoon idea is Ukyo's okonomiyaki restaurant, Ucchan's. The point of view is from a room in the back, looking through a doorway to the front of the restaurant. The door is set just to one side of the counter/grill behind which Ukyo cooks, and in front of which the customers sit and eat. In this front room we can see Ukyo standing behind the grill, a boy of high school age walking past the grill toward the back room and handing Ukyo some cash as he walks past her, and Ranma sitting in front of the grill and eating okonomiyaki while talking to Ukyo.

Meanwhile, in the back room where our point of view is situated, and just out of sight from the doorway, Akane Tendo is securely tied up in a standing position, gagged, and completely nude. Another boy is standing in front of the teen girl, pants around his ankles, and fucking Akane.

Out in front, Ukyo is saying to Ranma, "Sorry, Ran-chan. But until you come up with the ten thousand yen payment, you don't get to visit the back room to learn what's there." Note that 10,000 yen is on the order of $100 in U.S. dollars.

One possible variation would be for Akane to be a willing participant. Still nude, but not tied up or gagged, and a look of pleasure on her face from the fucking. Another variation would be to replace Akane with another girl, such as Shampoo, Kodachi, Kasumi, or Nabiki. Or maybe to have two or more of these girls turning tricks in the back room. Yet another alternative is to set the scene in the Nekohanten instead of Ucchan's, with either Shampoo or Cologne replacing Ukyo as the one being paid to let customers into the back room, and telling Ranma that he cannot afford the price.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Four Akanes

The setting for this cartoon idea is the Tendo family room, sometime late at night. Male Ranma is backed up against a wall, wearing only boxers, looking both frightened and desperate. He is surrounded by four copies of Akane Tendo, one of whom is wearing a filmy nightie, and the other three of whom are entirely nude. In the background of the room is an emptied barrel labeled either "Akaneniichuan" or "Spring of Drowned Akane". The latter would probably be easier to understand for most casual viewers, although the meaning is essentially the same.

One nude Akane says to Ranma, "Airen choose me, not other pervert girls!"

A second nude Akane says, "Ho ho ho! Choose me, Ranma-sama!"

A third nude Akane says, "Come on and pick me, Ran-chan!"

The Akane wearing the filmy nightie says with exasperation, "I knew there was going to be trouble when your mother announced you would marry the girl who took your virginity."

Friday, March 27, 2020

Video Game Loser

In this cartoon idea, the setting is a couch in the family room of some random house, presumably either Daisuke's or Hiroshi's house. Hiroshi and Daisuke are sitting on the couch, and Ranma is kneeling in front of them. There are three video game controllers on the floor near them, with wires leading to the bottom of the frame. In the extreme foreground at bottom, we might see the back of a television or a computer monitor.

The boys Hiroshi and Daisuke sitting on the couch have their pants and boxers pulled down around their ankles. Daisuke's prick is sticking up but curving downward, still semi-hard but starting to go limp. It is glistening with saliva, and has semen dripping from the end. Daisuke has a blissful look on his face, showing his recent climax and the pleasure which still envelops him. Female Ranma is kneeling on the floor in front of Hiroshi, completely nude, and giving Hiroshi a blowjob. Semen is erupting from Ranma's mouth around the fat cock, showing that Hiroshi is in the process of filling Ranma's mouth with his cum. Hiroshi has a look on his face appropriate to the orgasm he is enjoying at that moment.

Daisuke, in his state of bliss and pleasure, says to Ranma, "So, loser girl ... I mean Ranma ... You willing to put your pussy on the line for the next round?"

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Amazon Sex

This cartoon idea is inspired a bit by some of the recent cartoons which have shown Cologne back in her teenage body due to consuming some mushrooms of time. That's the case here as well. The setting is the dining area of the Nekohanten, empty except for the three members of the Joketsuzoku: Cologne, Shampoo, and Mousse. The 16-year-old Cologne and Shampoo are both bent over a table with their asses bared, either with dresses raised or pants lowered. Both Cologne's and Shampoo's upper bodies are wrapped in chains. Mousse is standing behind them, fucking Shampoo and fingering the young Cologne's pussy. Shampoo is saying to Cologne, "If great-grandmother not be fighting with Shampoo over Ranma, then Mousse not catch us by surprise!"

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Ryu Kumon is Manly

This cartoon idea involves Ryu Kumon, a boy who pretended he was Ranma to Ranma's mother Nodoka during the arc about the umisen-ken. The setting is a bedroom in the home of Nodoka Saotome. Akane is lying on her back on a bed, nude, and tied up in kinbaku or shibari style. There is also a gag in Akane's mouth, and she is glaring at the other two people in the room. Ryu Kumon, with his pants lowered, is lying atop Akane, and is fucking her. Nodoka, wearing a kimono, is standing nearby with her hands clasped in front of her, looking proud.

Nodoka is crying out, "My son is so manly!" Ryu whispers to Akane, "Sorry. The lady insisted." Despite the words, Ryu doesn't look sorry at all, and in fact he is smirking.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Cursed Cave Exit

The setting for this cartoon idea is on the outside of the exit to the Cursed Cave of Broken Loves. Akane and Ranma are no longer anywhere in sight. Ukyo is being held down, stripped, and raped by a crowd of male ghosts. She currently has ghost cocks in her cunt, her mouth, and a least one hand. Possibly also a ghost cock in her ass, but I don't want to block too much of the view of her body, so if so, then any ghost in front should be mostly transparent. In the meanwhile, Ryoga is being restrained by the female ghosts, so that he cannot come to Ukyo's aid. One female ghost has a hand down Ryoga's pants, and there is an obvious bulge in his pants. One of the ghosts is saying, "This is the real way that we break up couples!"

Blowjob for Demon Dog Swimsuit

This cartoon would be set on a simple beach with surf in the background. Tatewaki Kuno is standing on the beach, wearing only a pair of swim trunks, which are lowered. Female Ranma is kneeling in front of Kuno, wearing the cursed demon dog swimsuit, the one which was going to drown Ranma unless Kuno complimented it. The top of the swimsuit is lowered enough to expose Ranma's tits, and Ranma is looking up at Kuno while holding his large cum-dripping cock. Semen is on Ranma's face and in her hair, running out of her mouth and down her chin, and splashed onto her tits. Ranma says to Kuno, "Okay. Now will you finally compliment this swimsuit?!"

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Mao Mo Lin Mounts Shampoo

Just a brief cartoon idea today. The setting is the temple to which the ghost cat, Mao Mo Lin, abducted Shampoo. In the image, Shampoo is a nude and mostly human cat-girl. She might have cat ears, whiskers, and a tail. Mao Mo Lin has mounted Shampoo, and is clearly fucking her.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Shishi Hokodan Perfected

This cartoon idea is taken from the Shishi Hokodan arc of the manga. The setting is on the grounds of Furinkan High School with a very large but shallow crater in the center of the image. This crater is surrounded by a crowd of students, and both Akane and Cologne are in the crowd near the edge. A depressed Ryoga is standing at the crater center, his arms lowered near his sides with his fists curled upward. Lines of force surrounding Ryoga illustrate the chi force of the Shishi Hokodan falling heavily around himself and Ranma. Ranma, in female form, is standing near Ryoga, struggling to stay on her feet under the downward impact of the chi attack. All of Ranma's clothes have been torn off by the chi force, with the fragments of cloth being driven down toward the ground.

And Ryoga is shouting, "Shishi Hokodan, Perfected!"

PantyhoseTaro Rapes Akane

Another cartoon idea, this one based on an existing cartoon, linked to here. This picture shows Pantyhose Taro stripping a bound and gagged Akane Tendo.

The cartoon I imagine shows events a little later. Akane has been stripped completely nude, with her wrists still bound in front of her, the gag still in her mouth, tears still in her eyes, and Taro still lying behind her. But now Taro is raping Akane. The kicker though is that Akane is looking up in screaming terror at a pail of cold water which is about to fall off of a shelf and land on Taro.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Pantyhose Kiss of Marriage

This cartoon idea takes place sometime near the first big fight with Pantyhose Taro. It's somewhere up on the mountain that he was using as his headquarters. Shampoo is lying on her back, securely tied up in nearly transparent pantyhose, and is otherwise nude. Pantyhose Taro is lying over Shampoo, and between her legs. He has pushed the pantyhose bondage out of the way at Shampoo's pussy, and he is fucking Shampoo. Shampoo is bending upward to kiss the surprised boy on his cheek. Shampoo says to him, "You defeat Shampoo! Joketsuzoku Law say Shampoo must now marry you!"

A look in the manga at VIZ volume 16, chapter 8, or the original Japanese volume 18, chapter 7, should give a reminder of how Shampoo was dressed only in pantyhose wrappings during the story arc. Although the above description assumes a slightly more extensive bondage, which could conceivably leave certain parts uncovered so long as it is clear Shampoo is securely bound.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Wrong Brand of Soap

This cartoon idea is fairly simple. A naked, angry, female Ranma confronts a naked, embarrassed, contrite Shampoo. Ranma is holding out a bar of lathery soap. Ranma is saying to Shampoo, "What the hell do you mean, this is clothing-proof soap and not waterproof soap?!"

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Ranma Gets Fed Up

This cartoon idea is set in some generic room with a tatami mat floor, and a long bench in the room. Four nude girls are bent over the bench, tied in place. From left to right (the girls' points of view) they are: Ukyo Kuonji, Akane Tendo, Shampoo, and Kodachi Kuno. We are looking at the scene from the side of the bench the girls' heads are on, so the order of the girls just given is from right to left from the viewer's point of view.

All four girls have their forearms tied together behind their backs, with each hand against the opposing arm's elbow. The girls' heads are looking forward (not down), so we can see their faces, and we can also fully see their tits hanging down in front of the bench. The asses of all four girls are red from being spanked. Male Ranma is kneeling behind Akane, fucking her, while he is also spanking both Ukyo and Shampoo with either hand. Shampoo and Kodachi (to Akane's right) have some semen on their asses and backs, showing that they have already been fucked. Kodachi, Shampoo, and Ukyo have tears running from their eyes due to current or recent spanking, with expressions to match the pain from those spankings. Akane has tear tracks on her face to match the spanking she recently received while Shampoo was being fucked, though her current expression indicates that she is losing the battle to ignore the pleasure of being fucked.

Ranma is saying to the four girls, "And we'll be doing this again! As often as I think necessary!"

One possible addition would be to add small puddles of semen on the floor beneath Kodachi's and Shampoo's pussies, as a further accompaniment to their recently completed fucks. A variation on this would be to indicate they were deflowered, with some blood tinting these puddles of semen, together with some blood drops (but no semen yet) beneath Akane's pussy. Another obvious variation would be to rearrange the four girls, with the girl of one's choice being currently fucked by Ranma. Possibly also to add Kasumi and Nabiki to the girls tied over the bench, or maybe just Nabiki with Kasumi standing nearby saying, "Oh my!" (since Kasumi hasn't done anything to annoy Ranma sufficiently).

Friday, March 13, 2020

Stealing Waterproof Soap

The scene for this cartoon idea is set beside a pool of water at a water park. A nude female Ranma and a nude Shampoo are lathered up, and rubbing their bodies against a nude Ryoga. Ryoga is practically catatonic — his arms are out to the sides, with thumbs, index, and pinky fingers extended, and the other fingers curled in. Ranma is saying to Shampoo, "Okay! Grab that waterproof soap now!"

The three could be in various poses to meet the description above. For example, Ryoga could be sitting, with Shampoo's tits pressed against his back, and Ranma's tits engulfing Ryoga's cock. Another possibility would be Ryoga reclining on his back, with Shampoo's tits wrapped around his cock, and Ryoga's face pressed between Ranma's tits. Ryoga's cock could even be inserted into one of various orifices, so long as it's not the mouth of the girl who is speaking. Although I think penetration may be a step too far, as it shouldn't be necessary in order to achieve the necessary impact on Ryoga.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Principal Kuno's Haircuts

The setting for this cartoon idea is a sports field at Furinkan High School. There is a long line, stretching off into the distance, of nude female students bound to X-shaped crosses. The first three students, in order, are female Ranma, Akane, and Ukyo. Ranma is hanging limply in despair, her pubic mound completely bald. A crazed, laughing, dancing Principal Kuno is in the process of using hair clippers to remove the pubic hair of a yelling Akane. Ukyo, pubic hair still present, is struggling hard but in vain against her bonds. Other girls down the line are waiting in trepidation.

An additional possibility is that, while using one hand to remove Akane's pubic hair with the clippers, the principal's other hand is in the process of squeezing a tit or fingering her pussy. I would be concerned, however, that such a depiction might restrict the ability to illustrate the principal's crazed nature.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Super Soba Spanking

This cartoon idea takes place during the super soba story arc in the manga, and is set inside a large fighting ring surrounded by a crowd. Akane is wearing a fancy kimono, and is holding a very large wooden paddle. She also has whiskers on her cheeks (like a cat's) indicating that she has not accepted the cure for the super soba noodles. That also means Akane is currently super strong. Shampoo is completely nude, standing against the ropes facing toward the crowd, with chains attached to her wrists and ankles and connected to the poles on either end of that side of the ring. These chains are holding Shampoo in place, somewhat spread-eagled in a standing position and well displayed for the crowd's pleasure. Chains make some sense in the setting, as chains were one possible content of the balls used in the game. Shampoo's kimono is shredded, and either lying on the floor of the ring, or draped over the ropes near Shampoo.

Akane is standing behind Shampoo and to one side, spanking her with the paddle she's holding. Shampoo's ass is very red and she is crying. The spectators are cheering the view.

A possible variation would have female Ranma chained beside Shampoo, equally naked, and being spanked by Akane simultaneously with Shampoo.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Fishing Pole Wedding

The setting for this cartoon idea is a wedding ceremony, probably being held in the Tendo Dojo. Somewhere to the side or in the background a fishing pole is leaning against a wall. The attendees to the wedding should include many/most members of the cast, plus several Furinkan High School students. The bride is a very pregnant female Ranma, in a wedding dress which is cut low and shows a large carp tattoo on her left tit. The groom is a frantic Ryoga in a tuxedo. Behind Ryoga is Ranma's mother Nodoka, in formal Japanese wedding attire of the sort to be worn by the bride's mother. Nodoka is holding the point of a katana at Ryoga's back. Ranma looks very smug.

Ryoga is pleading, "But I keep telling you! I didn't force her! She forced me!"

Monday, March 9, 2020

Ryoga Spanks Yoiko

This cartoon idea should be virtually a copy of the frame in which Ryoga spanks Ranma, who is pretending to be Ryoga's younger sister Yoiko. This may be found in the VIZ translation in volume 9, chapter 9, at the top of page 137, or in the original Japanese volume 11, chapter 3, at the top of page 39. Akane is sitting nearby, still holding her cards from the game they were playing, while Ryoga has pulled Yoiko/Ranma over his knees and is spanking her bottom. As in the manga, it would have Ryoga saying, "Bad Yoiko! I guess a big brother just has to be strict sometimes!" Yoiko/Ranma would be making a howling noise and crying tears. What I would change from the manga is for Ranma's pants to be pulled down with her ass very red from the spanking, and her shirt to be pulled up exposing her tits, instead of being spanked with all of her clothing in place.

Edit: In the original cartoon, Yoiko/Ranma is wearing a jumper over a blouse, not pants and shirt. So while the above with pants and shirt would be fine, a version closer to the original might have the jumper pulled off entirely, panties pulled down, the blouse pulled up, and still wearing the black thigh-high socks/stockings she was shown wearing.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Ucchan is a Girl

The setting for this cartoon idea is a fighting ring set up on the grounds of Furinkan High School, just like the one in which Ranma and Ukyo fought on the first day they met at Furinkan. The ring is completely surrounded by students. A fuming Akane Tendo, in school uniform, is just outside the ring at the front of the crowd. Inside the ring, a male Ranma is screwing a naked Ukyo. Ranma's head is turned to the side, looking directly at Akane, as he explains to her, "I always thought my old pal Ucchan was another boy! I told her I didn't believe her, so she's proving she really is a girl!"

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Romeos and Juliet

This cartoon idea is set in the auditorium at Furinkan High School, with the point of view from backstage toward the audience. The background shows a packed auditorium, the audience filling all of the seats. In the foreground on the stage is Akane Tendo dressed as Juliet, and surrounded by four males all of whom are dressed as Romeo, specifically Tatewaki Kuno, Hikaru Gosunkugi, Happosai, and Ranma Saotome. The four Romeos are all fully dressed except that their cocks are sticking out of their pants. Akane's Juliet dress is pushed up to her armpits, and any undergarments are removed (except for stockings), fully revealing her ass, pussy, and tits, while leaving her face uncovered.

Kuno is lying on his back on the stage. Akane is straddling Kuno with her back to him, leaning backward over his chest, and with Kuno's cock visibly impaling her ass. Gosunkugi is kneeling in front of Akane, fucking her cunt. Happosai is standing to one side of Akane's head, either with Akane blowing him, or else holding her hair and fucking her mouth (or maybe the viewer can't really tell which of these two is the case). The male Ranma is on Akane's far side, getting his dick stroked by Akane's hand, and looking disappointed that he isn't taking one of the other guys' places in one of Akane's three holes. Gosunkugi is saying to the other three, "Remember! Whoever cums the most before going soft gets the prize of a trip to China with Tendo-san!"

Variations would rearrange which guy is in which hole, and which guy says the line above. Although I think Ranma should stay in the position indicated above. Another variation would leave Akane out entirely (or have her tied up and glaring off to the side), with female Ranma as Juliet, and adding Ryoga Hibiki as the fourth male, with either Gosunkugi or Kuno as the disappointed fellow only getting a handjob.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Joketsuzoku Breeders

The setting for this cartoon idea is the Joketsuzoku village in China, probably with the challenge log in the background to help make that clear. In the foreground are a couple of platforms with Akane and female Ranma lying on the platforms on their backs, both of them nude. Mousse is fucking the female Ranma, and another Chinese man is fucking Akane. There are two lines of more Chinese men waiting their turns to screw the two girls. A heavily pregnant Shampoo is standing near the girls' heads, and patting Ranma on her head.

Shampoo says to them, "Ranma very naughty to marry Kitchen Destroyer! That why Ranma forced to give Shampoo baby, then have curse locked. Now Ranma and her wife spend rest of lives making many strong babies for Joketsuzoku!"

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Tickle Master

This cartoon idea should be in a school setting, probably the gymnasium, or perhaps out on a sports field. Akane Tendo is lying on the floor (ground) wearing only her panties, and is laughing helplessly. The rest of Akane's school uniform and her bra are lying scattered around her. A fully clothed Shampoo is kneeling on Akane's wrists, keeping her arms pinned above her head. Shampoo is tickling Akane mercilessly. A number of Akane's schoolmates are standing around watching, their expressions either lustful or in shock according to gender.

Shampoo is saying to Akane, "You ready now to admit that Shampoo is master of tickling martial arts? Or should Shampoo remove last piece of clothing? Is fine with Shampoo if you not ready to give up!"

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Dojo Victor Rape

The setting for this cartoon idea is the inside of the Tendo Dojo. To be clear, the actual dojo itself is meant, and not their home, even though some people for some reason seem to use "Tendo Dojo" to refer to the entire property. So inside the dojo, in the background, we have Soun, Genma, and male Ranma all lying around, wearing gis, in poses which clearly show that they were recently defeated. They are either unconscious, or so thoroughly beaten that they cannot get up.

Akane is in the foreground, mostly nude, wearing the remnants of a gi which was torn off. She is on her knees and bent over, in a position roughly similar to being on hands and knees except that her arms are both being pulled back towards her ass. A martial artist who clearly just defeated all of them is kneeling behind Akane, raping her. This martial artist is holding both of Akane's wrists, pulling her arms back to hold Akane in position while he fucks her. Semen is squirting out of Akane's cunt around the man's cock, indicating that he has just ejaculated. An inset image shows sperm surrounding an ovum, with one sperm penetrating the ovum. A variation could also include a little blood mixed with the semen to indicate that the man just took Akane's virginity.

Another variation on the identity of the martial artist is that instead of some generic unknown male, it could be the Dojo Destroyer. Alternatives to that could be Ryoga Hibiki, Ryu Kumon, or Pantyhose Taro in his human form. Another variation would be to leave Akane out of the scene entirely, and have female Ranma as the victim of the martial artist, although I don't think this has the same impact as Akane. For a more tragic impact, include Akane among the defeated lying on the floor, and have Kasumi as the victim of the victor's rape.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Agreeing to the Engagement

This cartoon idea would be set either in the family room of the Tendo home looking outside over the yard and koi pond, or on the engawa outside of the family room, looking out over the yard or looking inside at the family room. Akane Tendo with her original long hair is lying across Genma's knees, with her dress pulled up and panties pulled down. Female Ranma Saotome is over Soun's knees, with both her pants and boxers pulled down. Genma is spanking Akane, and Soun is spanking Ranma. Both Akane and Ranma have red bottoms, and eyes filled with tears. Possibly Kasumi and Nabiki are in the background, watching. Genma is telling the pair, "You two let us know when you're ready to agree to the engagement!"

Monday, March 2, 2020

Curse Cure

In this cartoon idea, a nude female Ranma is on her hands and knees in the foreground being spitted. One boy is kneeling in front of Ranma, with Ranma sucking on his cock and semen exploding out of her mouth around his cock. Another boy is kneeling behind Ranma and fucking her. In the background are several other boys, waiting for their turns. And Doctor Tofu is also in the background, with one of the boys handing him a thick wad of cash.

The boy being sucked by Ranma is saying, "Boy, Ranma, you must be thrilled that Doctor Tofu 'discovered' a way to cure your curse! Still, needing to swallow ten gallons of semen in less than a week to cure it, that's going to be pretty hard to do, don't you think?"

While the boy fucking Ranma says, "Too bad you had to promise 'extra services' like this in order to convince enough of us to give you all that cum you need to drink!"

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Do-chan Defeated

The setting for this cartoon idea is Ranma's defeat of the enchanted dogi — otherwise known as Do-chan (or Armie in the VIZ translation). Recall that when Akane wore this semi-sentient outfit, she was nearly undefeatable at martial arts. The main difference in setting is that instead of the final fight taking place in some sort of park, it is shifted to the school grounds and takes place with the entire population of Furinkan High School watching avidly.

The cartoon would have three small frames running across the top. In the first would be a long distance view of Ranma and Akane fighting in front of the school with everyone watching, and with Akane wearing Do-chan. In the second frame, Ranma has pushed his hand behind the belt of Do-chan, and is slamming the buckle down on top of Kuno's head. In the third frame, Do-chan explodes, with cloth shredding in all directions.

In the main image, Akane is standing there startled and frozen, with the eyes of every student and teacher from the school upon her. Unlike the manga, she is not mostly covered by the remains of the dogi. Instead, Akane is completely nude and completely exposed to everyone's stares, with the shreds of cloth littering the grass around her feet. Ranma is also standing there frozen, staring at Akane's nude form with his eyes bugging out. Probably a lot of the students in the background, particularly the boys, should be holding cameras. Kuno might be shown knocked out on the ground, but I think it would clutter the image too much.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Paper Doll Blowjob

The setting for this cartoon is an empty classroom. Hikaru Gosunkugi is sitting in a chair with the pants of his school uniform down around his ankles, and a blissful expression on his face. A nude Akane Tendo is kneeling in front of Gosunkugi, giving him a blowjob. A paper doll is on her back. A male and clothed Ranma Saotome is kneeling beside the other two, filming the blowjob with a video camera. A paper doll is also on his back. Akane's uniform and underclothes are scattered on the floor, with a paper doll on the back of the uniform. There are lines leading from the three paper dolls to insets placed around the edges of the cartoon. Each inset shows the body of the corresponding paper doll and a message which was written within the doll. In the inset for the doll on the back of Akane's uniform, we can read the message, "Happily strip for Gosunkugi-kun, and show him your body." In the inset for the doll on Akane's bare back we can read the message, "Give Gosunkugi-kun a great blowjob, and swallow his semen." Finally, in the inset for the doll on Ranma's back is the message, "Record Tendo-san's blowjob, and give the video to Gosunkugi-kun."

My idea behind the two paper dolls for Akane is that I wanted her nude for the blowjob, but once her uniform came off, I was afraid the doll placed on her uniform might cease to affect her. But hopefully the command on the doll would not lose affect instantaneously. So as Akane stripped, as soon as her bare back was available, Gosunkugi would have slapped on the second doll.

If I were to write a story based on the magic paper dolls, I would have Gosunkugi write on them under a large magnifying glass in very tiny print, so that he could include lots of commands. And some of those commands would be worded so as to force all of the other commands to have permanent effect. Also, the first person he should target should be an extremely high level martial artist like Ranma or Happosai, with some foolproof plan to make sure he succeeds, and then afterward use that martial artist to place any further paper dolls on people's backs.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Bet Won with a Pervert

In this cartoon idea, a teenage boy is lying on his back on the floor, wearing a shirt but no pants. A nude Akane Tendo is straddling the boy, facing him, fucking herself on his cock. Akane is holding the boy's shirt near the collar, pulling up on it slightly. Akane is saying, "Now you have to agree I won the bet! This proves beyond doubt that you're a pervert, just like I said! So as soon as you come in me, hand over the 100 yen I've won!"

(Note: as a rough approximation and varying with exchange rates, 100 yen may be assumed to be approximately 1 U.S. dollar.)

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Harry Potter Hostage Rescue

This cartoon idea goes off on a brief tangent from Ranma 1/2 to Harry Potter. The setting is the merfolk village at the bottom of the lake during the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. Harry Potter, with gills and webbed feet, has just arrived and is staring in awe at the four hostages. Each of the four hostages is bound to a pole with their arms behind their backs, and possibly their legs bound as well. Three of the hostages, as in the books, are Cho Chang for Diggory, Hermione Granger for Krum, and Gabrielle Delacour for Fleur. Except Gabrielle looks more like a developing 12-year-old than the 9-year-old or whatever she was in the books. Harry's hostage, instead of Ron Weasley, is Harry's Patil-twin date from the ball (which I prefer to imagine is Padma Patil rather than Parvati, but it hardly matters since they're identical twins). These four girls were all abducted from their beds to be used as hostages, and therefore they are all wearing nighties and nothing else. And naturally the waters of the lake have plastered these nighties to the girls' bodies and turned them transparent. Not to mention the effect of the cold water on nipples. All four girls are in enchanted sleeps, and are thus unaware of Harry staring at them — i.e., ogling them.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Akane Spanked in Front of Class

For this cartoon, the setting would be classroom 1-F at Furinkan High School, the homeroom class for Akane and Ranma (and Ukyo, and Gosunkugi, and Hiroshi, Daisuke, Yuka, Sayuri). It takes place with all the students seated at their desks, except that one desk located beside Ranma (Akane's desk) is empty. Akane herself is at the front of the classroom, bent over the teacher's desk, with her ass pointed towards the class. Akane's uniform skirt and slip are pulled up over her ass, and her panties have been removed from one leg, but are still around the calf of her other leg. Akane's feet are spread very wide apart, and probably only the toes are touching the floor. Thus Akane's bare ass and pussy are fully exposed to the entire class, with a slight trace of pubic hair just visible on the pubic mound at her front below her pussy.

The teach Hinako Ninomiya, in her adult form, is standing beside Akane with a paddle raised, clearly spanking Akane. Akane's ass is very red from the paddling, and her head is lifted from the pain of the last thwack. If the side of Akane's face is visible, there are clearly tears coming from the eye on that side. If the angle of view is sufficiently from above for Akane's arms to be visible, then it can be seen that her hands have a white-knuckled grip on the far edge of the desk. If any of the students' faces are visible, then the girls and Ranma are wide-eyed, while the other boys are mesmerized and drooling.

Possible variations on the theme of one person being spanked bare-assed in front of a full classroom: (1) Virtually identical to the above, with female Ranma the student being spanked and Akane sitting at a desk beside Ranma's empty desk. (2) The teacher Hinako Ninomiya is the person being spanked in front of the class, in her child form, by a male Ranma. (3) A different classroom, with one student in the class being Tatewaki Kuno, and a male teacher spanking a bare-assed Nabiki Tendo at the front of the class.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Party Rape

In this cartoon idea, the setting is a bedroom which is perhaps a little dimly lit. Through the bedroom door the room beyond is brightly lit, and there is clearly a party going on. Inside the bedroom, on the bed, both Akane and Ranma are lying on their backs sideways across the bed. Both are passed out, and both have been stripped nude, with clothing lying around on the floor or elsewhere in the room. Akane is in the process of being fucked by Hikaru Gosunkugi, and Ranma is being fucked by her friend Hiroshi. A few more boys are standing around the room, apparently waiting for their own turns. One boy says to another, "They passed out from just one beer apiece? Boy, these two are real lightweights, aren't they?"

Monday, February 24, 2020

Ranko Spanked by Everyone

This idea is a variation on yesterday's, where we have a line of cast members waiting to spank female Ranma instead of Akane. So in the foreground is Ryoga sitting and holding female Ranma face down over his knees and spanking her. Ranma is in her normal Chinese outfit, with pants and boxers pulled down, and her Chinese shirt opened and pulled up over her head and down her arms, thus exposing her tits. Her ass is reddened by the spanking, and like Akane yesterday, there is one particularly red handprint on her ass. There are tears in Ranma's eyes.

A line of cast members waits behind or to the side of Ryoga, for their turn to spank Ranma. First is Mousse, with his fingers interlaced and pressing his palms outwards. Next is Tatewaki Kuno in his kendo outfit, holding a paddle heavily decorated with flowers and hearts. Hikaru Gosunkugi's head is peeking out from behind Kuno's back. After the primary male rivals comes Akane Tendo, with arms crossed and tapping her foot impatiently. Then the parents, Soun Tendo, Genma Saotome, and Ranma's mother Nodoka. Soun and Genma are both holding riding crops, and Genma is trying to get Nodoka to put down her katana and take a riding crop as well. Happosai stands behind the parents, smoking his pipe, with battle aura flaring. Behind Happosai stands a gleeful-looking Pantyhose Taro in human form. Next in line is Kasumi in a dominatrix outfit holding a cat o' nine tails, with her sister Nabiki gaping at Kasumi in shock. Principal Kuno is holding his hair clippers, apparently not understanding why they're there (probably willfully), and Hinako Ninomiya in adult form is holding a paddle. They are followed by the other three girls, Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi, arguing vehemently over the order in which the three of them will go. Finally at the end of the line are Ranma's two friends, Hiroshi and Daisuke, looking very much like they weren't invited but decided to sneak into the line.

I've left out Doctor Tofu and Cologne, but Tofu could easily be added as another person gawking at dominatrix Kasumi.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Akane Spanked by Everyone

In this cartoon idea, Akane is to be spanked by virtually every member of the Ranma 1/2 cast. In the foreground, a male Ranma is sitting and holding Akane over his knees, spanking her. Ranma is wearing his usual Chinese outfit. Akane is wearing her gi, with pants and panties pulled down, and top and sports bra pulled up to expose her tits, either pulled up to her shoulders, or all the way over her head and onto her arms. Akane's ass is generally red, but with one particularly red handprint standing out. There are tears in Akane's eyes.

A line of people containing other cast members are standing behind Ranma, or off to the side, waiting for their turn to spank Akane. First in line is Tatewaki Kuno, in his kendo outfit, rolling up a sleeve. Next is Happosai, rubbing his palms together and giggling. Then Genma Saotome in gi with arms crossed, looking stern, accompanied by his wife Nodoka wearing a kimono and looking regal. After them are Principal Kuno and an adult form Hinako Ninomiya, both giving test swings to paddles. Next are Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi, with Shampoo and Kodachi looking envious of the large spatula Ukyo is carrying (but smaller than her battle spatula). Then comes Kasumi holding a large hairbrush, pursing her lips and frowning. Beside Kasumi but a bit out of line is Nabiki, counting money, possibly suggesting people have paid her to join the line. Beyond Akane's sisters are her two best friends, Yuka and Sayuri each with a riding crop, looking nervous and not quite sure how good an idea this is, but wanting to go through with it. Peeking out from behind Yuka and Sayuri is the head of Hikaru Gosunkugi.

Note that I've left out Ryoga, Akane's father Soun, Doctor Tofu, and the other Amazons Cologne and Mousse, not to mention a host of bit players. Any of these could be added in as desired.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Making a Saotome Heir

This cartoon idea kind of fits in with yesterday's which starred Happosai. The setting might be any of the Tendo family room, Akane's bedroom, or the Tendos' dojo. It shows Genma Saotome in his human form, half reclining, propped on an elbow behind him. Or possibly propped up against some other object, such as pillows lying against the head of a bed. The view is from off to the side, either level with or behind Genma's head. Genma is wearing his ratty old gi with the pants pulled down.

Akane Tendo is fully nude, straddling Genma so as to face him. She is fucking herself on his cock. Ranma is in male form, fully clothed, or possibly with just his dick out so he can jack off. He is kneeling beside Genma and Akane, close to where they are joined, so he has a great view of Genma's cock sliding in and out of Akane's wet cunt. One of Genma's arms is forward, holding a swinging object on a chain or string, such as a pocket watch, a crystal, a coin with a hole in it, or something similar. The eyes of both Akane and Ranma are filled with spirals, and possibly in an unusual color, to indicate that both have been hypnotized.

Genma is saying to the pair, "Now remember. You've discovered that Ranma is sterile. And Ranma's mother mustn't discover this, or else she'll make him commit seppuku. So in order for Akane to give birth to children of Saotome blood, you must both keep Ranma's father convinced to continue having sex with Akane to impregnate her with those children. Further, to keep Genma horny enough to provide this stud service, Akane must also be willing to do any other perverted thing he enjoys."

I don't think virgin blood should be present, as it is likely this takes place after Akane and Ranma are married, or at least many viewers would assume this. Possibly semen could be shown spurting from Akane's cunt to indicate Genma has just ejaculated. Nor do I think there should be any indication that impregnation has occurred, as it is better to imagine that there will be many more sessions yet to come. A larger variation might show Ranma in female form instead of male, with Genma's words altered to indicate that Ranma as well as Akane must do things with Genma to keep his interest up for this stud service. Personally, I prefer this with male Ranma instead, as I think that more clearly emphasizes the cuckolding of Ranma by his father.

Happosai's Help

In this cartoon idea, the setting is Akane's bedroom, although in reality it's Akane's and Ranma's bedroom since it is set after their wedding. The view is of the bed from the side and above, and of a bit of floor beside the bed. Ranma is sleeping on the far side of the bed, and Akane is sleeping on the near side. If their left hands are visible, then they are wearing wedding rings on their ring fingers.

The bed covers are pulled all the way down, showing male Ranma wearing pajamas. Akane is completely nude, with her pajamas in a pile on the floor beside the bed. An empty bottle of sleeping pills rests on top of Akane's pajamas, suggesting that neither she nor Ranma will be waking up anytime soon. A nude Happosai is between Akane's legs, fucking her, with his far arm reaching forward for his hand to squeeze one of Akane's tits.

Happosai is saying, "Useless boy! Always wearing those disgusting condoms! Obviously they need my help if our school is to have an heir!"

Obviously no virgin blood in this one, as Akane and Ranma have clearly had sex before, and this may not be the first time that Happosai has "helped out." There could possibly be semen coming from Akane's cunt to indicate an ejaculation in progress, but I think I'd prefer not, as I'd prefer to think that Happosai isn't close to being finished yet.

An alternative would have Akane on the far side, nude, with cum on her pussy and thighs indicating she has already been fucked. And a nude female Ranma on the near side currently being fucked by Happosai. The implication is that Happosai doesn't care which of them is the first to become knocked up with the school's heir, or maybe he'd like both of them to be. This does require the viewer to assume that Ranma is capable of becoming pregnant. In this case Happosai might say, "Useless boy! Always wearing those disgusting condoms! Obviously they need my help if our school is to have an heir! And if he doesn't want to be the father, then she can just help improve the odds!"

Friday, February 21, 2020

Soun Tendo Disciplines

This cartoon idea features a Soun Tendo who has a rather different personality, and who is much stronger, both emotionally and physically. The setting is the family room of the Tendo home, with a floor of tatami mats. Depending on point of view, either the kotatsu may be visible, or perhaps the open shoji showing the engawa and beyond that the yard with the koi pond.

Soun is in the foreground, kneeling seiza, with a female Ranma stretched across his thighs face down. Soun is spanking her, probably with a strap or paddle, and her ass is very red. A pair of girl's panties is around Ranma's ankles, and a transparent baby doll nightie is bunched up under her arms revealing her tits. Ranma is bawling, with tears flying from her eyes.

In the background, the three Tendo daughters — Kasumi, Nabiki, and Akane — are all standing with their fronts to a wall and their backs to Soun and Ranma, with their hands placed on top of their heads, but with their faces turned enough to catch sight of the spanking going on. Their eyes are moist. All three sisters are also wearing transparent baby doll nighties, with hems which only come down to their waists. The panties of all three sisters are down around their ankles, leaving their asses bare and showing those asses to be quite red.

Soun is saying to Ranma, "Wasn't it nice of your father to sign the papers to make me your temporary legal guardian, before he took off to sew some more wild oats?" This is not only meant as justification for Soun to spank Ranma, but is intended to suggest why Ranma is wearing such an outfit (i.e., Soun requires her to, and is able to enforce that requirement).

A variation could have Genma Saotome (instead of Soun) spanking one of the Tendo sisters, with female Ranma joining the other two standing against the wall, and Genma saying, "I can't believe my old buddy Soun was too much of a wimp to keep you girls in line! Well, I promise that things are going to be different, now that your father has given me permission to whip the lot of you into shape!"

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Kasumi "Examined" by Tofu

This cartoon idea would illustrate Doctor Tofu taking advantage of Kasumi Tendo in his clinic. The setting would be an examination room in the clinic. Kasumi is nude and lying on her back on an examination table, positioned with her ass at the end. She is clearly unconscious. Doctor Tofu is standing at the end of the table, fucking Kasumi, with her legs lying vertically upward along his front and her feet above his shoulders. On a chair beside the table is a stack (folded) or a pile (in disarray) of Kasumi's clothing — dress, bra, panties, stockings, slippers, although slippers might be on the floor. Atop her clothing is an empty hypodermic needle, indicating the reason why Kasumi is not awake. On the far side of the examination table, Doctor Tofu's skeleton Betty-chan is hanging on her stand, almost as if she were watching the proceedings.

No reason is given for Tofu's lack of crazy behavior in Kasumi's presence. A variation would be for the girl instead to be Nabiki Tendo, Akane Tendo, or a female Ranma Saotome. A second possible variation would be to have streaks of blood indicating loss of virginity, but I would prefer not as I would like to think that the scene in question has occurred before. Another alternative would be to have semen erupting from Kasumi's pussy around Tofu's cock, indicating that he has just ejaculated. Also, there could be semen around Kasumi's mouth or on her chest, suggesting that before fucking her, he either made use of her mouth or titty-fucked her, although I think that I would prefer the cleaner image. For an impregnation fetish, an inset could be shown with an ovum surrounded by sperm cells.

Akane's Loss to the Hentai Horde

This cartoon idea would illustrate an instance where Akane lost the fight with the hentai horde, and thus some boy claimed the victory over her. The setting would be the front lawn of Furinkan High School, and we would see a circle of male students standing tightly shoulder to shoulder. Possibly a double circle of such boys, since they are screening the interior of the circle from the view of anyone on the outside. The point of view is over the shoulders or heads of the boys on one side of the circle, so that arc of the circle is either cut off from view at the bottom of the image, or the boys on that side are shown in a very foreshortened fashion.

In the middle of the circle, Akane Tendo is lying on her back on the grass with her knees raised and spread, and a boy is lying on top of Akane between her legs, fucking her. Akane has a bruise on the side of her head, suggesting how she was defeated in the morning battle, and she is still dazed, possibly still very dazed or possibly aware enough to be wide-eyed but unable to effectively resist. The boy fucking Akane is dressed in a Furinkan uniform, but with pants and boxer shorts lowered. Akane is completely nude, with her panties stuffed into her mouth as a gag. The rest of Akane's uniform, her bra, and possibly her school bag, are lying scattered around her on the grass. Her uniform may be somewhat torn, but that is not necessary, as the implication is that she was undressed while she was dazed.

There may be a second boy kneeling above Akane's head, pinning her arms to the ground at her wrists. There is no sign of Ranma, so possibly this is before his arrival in Nerima, or possibly he is away training or for some other purpose. There is also no sign of Kuno, with no explanation hinted at for his absence.

Potentially, there could be a couple of blood streaks from Akane's pussy, indicating that she just lost her virginity. Potentially, there could be cum erupting from her pussy, indicating that the boy has just ejaculated. Potentially, there could be an inset in one corner of the image, showing several sperm cells pressing against an ovum with one sperm penetrating the ovum.

Another possible variation would have Kuno as the boy fucking Akane, in kendo uniform with hakama lowered. But personally I don't care for that idea.

Cartoons I'd Like

I'm planning to do a series of posts describing cartoons I would like to see. If I could afford it, I'd commission someone to create the cartoons for me. As it is, I will content myself by trying to describe in words what I am seeing with my mind's eye. It is my intention for each post to describe a single image, although possibly with an additional description of possible variations which could have been applied instead. Since these will be written with words rather than shown in pictures, they might be viewed instead as each being a snapshot of a scene from some larger story. Although I have no intention of constructing such stories. Anyway, we'll see how it goes.