Monday, May 13, 2013

Ookami-Ranma and Akane

I'd really like to know the story behind the following picture. (The thumbnail is a link to pixiv.)

It's not just a question of what left Ranma in this half-wolf half-human state. Is he a half-demon like Inuyasha? A were-wolf? Some different Jusenkyo curse? But the even bigger question is what got into Akane to do this outside on the lawn? That's assuming she's willing, which she appears to be. Although I guess it could have started out with her unwilling and Ranma tearing off all of her clothes, and now she's just gotten very into it and lost control.

An interesting point that this brings up is that I don't really think of it as full-on bestiality when I see fan-art or a story involving sex between one of the female cast and a cursed male like P-chan or panda-Genma. In fact, handled right that can be downright arousing. I rather enjoy the image (I have it somewhere) of panda-Genma giving it to Kasumi.

Another thing I'd really like to see — which I don't think I've ever come across — is a hentai image of Shampoo in her cat form being raped by a tomcat in an alley or similar, while other toms are looking on waiting for their own turn. With the typical anime tear blobs at the corners of her eyes. I think that would be really hot so long as the female cat is recognizably Shampoo. Or possibly without the rape — she's just gone into heat in her cat form and can't control herself.

What came next?

I was looking back over the posts on my blog about the mini-fic Greenery Day, wondering if I might try adding some more to it.

And I can't remember what was supposed to happen next.

I know that I had a definite plan in mind. Ranma got rid of Genma for a reason as part of a plan to give him a chance to see one or both of the other Tendo daughters (or all three). I can even vaguely recall one small part of the reason. But for some reason I can't convince my subconscious to release the rest of the plot.

Maybe I'll just have to ignore whatever I was thinking originally, and just come up with a fresh approach.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

MV Comic

A couple of days ago an anonymous reviewer from AssTR suggested that I should republish Moxibustion Violoation as a comic book, by which I presume he meant in a manga/dojinshi style.

I only wish I could. But I'm afraid that I'm not that good an artist. Not to mention having no idea where I'd find that sort of time.

Hentai Links

In case anyone is interested, I'll repost some links left by an anonymous reader in a comment.らんま1/2
You need to register to see hentai stuff, once done, check R18 in your profile setup and search then "らんま1/2 18".
The infamous KJ, you can ask him a password for the "member's room", he does speak a little bit of English.
The infamous karasu blog.
The infamous Sandansu blog and his pixiv: