Thursday, November 15, 2012

Greenery Day, Day 12

"Come on, boy, wake up! Today's the day when you meet my old friend, Tendo-kun!"

Sighing as he sat up, Ranma reflected that he was becoming extraordinarily tired of hearing that same announcement every morning. How many days had it been so far?

The young man paused to total the passing days in his head. There was the first day he had met the Tendos. Then the three days he had tried to return to China. On the third day, admitting that he couldn't even get out of Japan, let alone to Jusenkyo, if he ended up back in this park every morning he had attempted to stay awake all night. It hadn't done any good, however. Like blinking his eyes, one moment he had been far to the west of Tokyo, the next he had been sitting up in this damned park again.

After that, Ranma had decided he would need to learn what was keeping him here and making the same day repeat over and over again. So for the next three mornings he had escaped from his pop, then returned to this park to scour every square centimeter of its grounds. To no avail. He had found nothing the least bit suspicious, let alone magical. Then he'd spent two days widening the search, but had given up even more quickly, realizing he had no idea what he was looking for and could hardly search all of Tokyo.

For two more days he had wandered aimlessly, but the teenage boy was getting tired of pointlessly doing nothing each day. Even the pleasure of knocking his pop unconscious each morning was beginning to pall. If nothing else, it was clearly time to find some other way to spend his days.

Ranma paused and added. Eleven days. That made this the twelfth repetition. He gave a much heavier sigh as he finished stowing his sleeping bag. He definitely needed something to break the monotony. Hell, he might as well let his pop drag him back to the Tendos. At least it would be different.

Ranma blinked at the thought, then shrugged. Why the hell not? It couldn't be any more boring than peering under rocks and behind bushes in a park. In fact ... Ranma froze as a new thought occurred to him. His pop had brought him here to meet the Tendo family, right? And he was the only person experiencing this day over and over again, right? Well, so far as he knew, anyway. Maybe there was something he had to do to put an end to it. And if so, well, wasn't it as likely as anything else that it had something to do with the Tendos, since they were why he'd been brought here?

Ranma nodded decisively. Yeah, that made sense. He'd stop fighting it, and follow his pop there. Then he'd search their house, their dojo, look for something he was meant to do to stop living through this day over and over again. At least it sounded more hopeful than searching all of Tokyo for who knew what.

He tuned out his pop's explanation of the marriage arrangement, barely remembering to show a pissed off expression at the right moment. Instead he was thinking hard about how he'd handle matters the rest of the day. Then he snorted. Why was he worrying about it so much? If one thing was certain, not getting it right today only meant he'd have another chance tomorrow. And the next day, and the next, and the next ...

Ranma scowled as the daily rain arrived to turn him into a girl. She had to struggle not to break off the sign and whack her pop over the head — doing so had become a habit over the past week and a half.

The sequence of events wasn't much different from that first day. She wasn't carried in over the panda's shoulder, but she was still squeezed tightly by the tall man with the mustache. Then that annoying girl had poked her boob much too hard. The man fainted. The girls argued. The youngest one — Akane? — offered to be her friend. They went out to the dojo, where Ranma didn't have to do anything more than dodge. "Well, I'm just glad you're a girl."

Instead of wandering around outside and ending up on the engawa, Ranma remained behind in the dojo. She wanted to have a good look around, see if she could spot anything magical. Unfortunately, a half hour of searching was sufficient to inspect every corner and crate, without turning up anything obvious. There were a number of weapons hanging on the side wall, and a shrine at the end, but nothing which offered any clues on how to put an end to this endless day.

The oldest sister walked in, carrying a towel, as Ranma was sighing with frustration. She serenely suggested, "Wouldn't you like to take a bath?"

The pigtailed young woman started, shrinking back, remembering all too clearly how this had gone the first time. "Uh, no. No thanks. I don't need one."

Kasumi pursed her lips. "Now Ranma-chan, I really think you should reconsider. You must be all sweaty from your workout."

Ranma closed her eyes, preparing to emphasize her unwillingness far more strongly. Behind her closed eyelids flashed a memory of Akane walking into the bathing room, not wearing a stitch. Her eyes opened and grew wide. All she had to do was go along, and she'd be treated to the same view all over again. True, this Akane would scream and be pissed off as hell for the rest of the day, but so what. Tomorrow would be this morning again, and the girl wouldn't remember anything about it.

She struggled with temptation for a moment. The notion was kind of like peeping, since she knew what was going to happen. But it wasn't like she was trying to do anything which hadn't already happened. And tomorrow, it wouldn't have happened anymore. Her brain struggled with that for a moment, but then she gave her head a shake and ignored it. It wasn't like she was hurting anybody, at least not after everything started over again. And didn't she deserve to get a little something out of this, after day after day of nothing but frustration?

"Um, I guess you're right. Thanks." Ranma took the offered towel, and gave the older girl a smile. Then followed her as she pointed out the bathing room.

This time Ranma noticed the "Occupied" sign. Yet she made no move to touch it.

Washing and rinsing quickly, the redhaired girl gratefully slipped into the steaming water of the furo. He looked down to see that he was already hard in anticipation. Extremely hard. He luxuriated in the hot water, while keeping an ear tuned for any sounds from the outer room.

After a while his attention was awarded by some slight noises moving around in the changing room. As quiet footfalls approached the door, he heaved himself up out of the water, and started to step over the edge of the tub, facing the door fully. After all, might as well give her a good show in return, he thought.

The door slid open and Akane walked in. Both teenagers froze in place, and Ranma had a much better opportunity this time to take in what he was seeing, not being stunned by the surprise. The girl was stark naked, though disappointingly holding a small towel hanging down from about the position of her navel, covering her greater treasure. Her chest, however, was fully exposed to his sight. Her nipples jutted out like twin erasers. The rosy areolae perfectly sized and colored, not too large and providing just enough contrast. Her tits were perhaps a bit on the small size, but they were nice handfuls nonetheless and looked mouthwatering. And the overall sense of nudity, despite the towel, sent liquid fire racing through his veins.

His cock became, if possible, even harder. It bounced slightly, of its own will. He watched her wide eyes track the bobbing, purple head, growing even wider with each passing second.

Then she disappeared, vanishing like some magician's trick. The sliding door slammed close. Seconds passed.

Then came the scream. Long and loud. Followed by running footsteps.

Grinning, Ranma toweled himself dry, then headed out to get dressed himself. It occurred to him that he could repeat this every day, as often as he wished. One eyebrow lifted as he considered that he might be able to find ways to vary it slightly. Suppose he was already out of the tub, and by the wall. Might she walk into the room without seeing him at first? Could he find some way to get her to walk in without the towel? Or might they literally run into each other as he was leaving the room, possibly knocking the towel aside? Maybe he'd even land on top of her?

Whoa! Bad Ranma! he thought to himself. That was just going too far, even if none of it would have happened the next day. Still, it was interesting to think about.

Unfortunately, in the later confrontation, he was unable to rein in his mouth. Consequently he woke up later in the day, as the one time before, with a splitting headache, courtesy of a table wielded by a violent maniac. His one consolation was that the next day would start off with them not yet engaged again.


  1. Sorry that so long passed between posts. I was sick for a while. Then, well, no real excuse I guess.

    1. hmm greenery day is brilliant and an extremely fun read.

      Glad you are feeling better.


  2. xD Interesting story! Are you going to continue it?
    "Bad Ranma" xD HAHA
