Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mea Culpa

My apologies for having been silent for so long. I've often thought about posting, but I guess I've been embarrassed about not being able to report progress on my story. And I truly don't want to leave the story at its current point.

After my last post, I spent some more time in and out of the hospital. I was pretty weak for a time and, truthfully, will probably never be as energetic as I was previously. At least the doctors tell me that I shouldn't be in any specific danger for the foreseeable future. Although I suppose I'm at as much risk as anyone else to be run over by some idiot drunk driver.

So ... I suppose the news is, I'm still here, but don't have any positive news at this time about when you can expect further updates. The proper mood for writing has, shall we say, been a bit lacking. I just hope I manage to get the next chapter out before the one year anniversary of the previous chapter. Damn, but it feels shitty to think of it that way. But still ... I hope I can.


  1. Glad to hear you're (mostly) better.

  2. Have a good recovery!

    I love your Moxibustion story.

    We can't wait for your next chapter ^^ Any news?
