Sunday, December 5, 2010

MV 27 Majority Done

I made the right decision to cut chapter 26 off where I did. Chapter 27 is getting fairly long, and it all has to be there. It's currently up to more than eleven thousand words, and there's more to go. I think there will only be one more scene, or at any rate, just one more significant scene. It might turn into a fairly long scene however.

By the way, there's plenty of sex in this chapter.

Unfortunately, it's late Sunday night, and I don't anticipate having much time to write on the weekdays. I hope I'll get a chance to do so, but I probably won't. So I'm crossing my fingers I'll finish writing the chapter next weekend. I really need to make an effort, because the closer we get to Christmas, the less time that I'll have on the weekends as well.

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