Monday, November 15, 2010

More Chapter 25

I got another large chunk of chapter 25 of MV written today. I couldn't do much on the few days preceding because I was fighting some issues on my computer, although I did manage to do those summaries of the ultimate weakness moxibustion arc from the manga for this blog.

I have a definite stopping place in mind for this chapter. I figure I'm about halfway there now. I should (hopefully) have some time over the next few days to do more work on it, so long as my wife doesn't decide to fill that spare time with chores.

Hiroshi and Daisuke will be getting some more action in chapter 25.


  1. ---So, no Ukyou or Hentai Horde stuff?

  2. There will probably be another small bit in Ukyo's apart, to further establish their use of it, but Ukyo herself won't be back yet. (She is coming eventually, though.)

    There will be stuff involving the other boys. In fact, when notification of this comment arrived, I was in the middle of writing a scene at Hikaru's house involving four of the guys. Don't worry, the old gang is going to continue to get plenty of use from both Ranma and Akane.
