Friday, October 19, 2012

Gender-swapped Nerima 2

Continuing on yesterday's theme of three Tendo sons, one of whom is to marry an allegedly female Ranma - which he isn't, but Genma has managed to convince everyone.

I think Kazuma would be a very suave, polished type, one who is accustomed to sweeping any woman off her feet. One with a heart of gold, aside from his tendency to try to sleep with anything in a skirt. Noburo is the sort to tell women lies in order to try to have his way with them. There are probably several high school girls whom he promised to love forever, and then dropped after he got into their pants. Akeno is the one most interested in the martial arts, and hasn't done a lot of dating because he doesn't care for girls who throw themselves at him, and most of the girls at Furinkan have been doing precisely that. However, Ranma's obvious (initial) resistance to the brothers' charms intrigues Akeno.

Hmm, you know, Ranma would have no objection to sparring with Akeno. He's perfectly willing to fight with males.

I think at Genma's suggestion and Kimiko's acquiescence, the brothers (and Genma) would carry holstered water pistols around. Whenever Ranma "accidentally" changes into his supposed cursed form (male), he would be caught in a crossfire of squirts and quickly changed back to female. Genma would also throw out all of Ranma's male clothes and provide only female clothing for his "daughter" to wear. He'd probably do that before they even reach the Tendo's, except for possibly the clothes Ranma is wearing at the time, and he'll get that last set of clothing the first time Ranma takes a bath. Genma will also try to coerce Ranma into wearing a girl's uniform and attending school as a girl, though I'd have to think about how that's to be accomplished, or even whether it would be initially successful.

Rather than being manic about wanting a manly son, Nodoka is neurotically depressed that she never had a daughter. When she finds out what's going on, she wholeheartedly endorses Genma's plan. She "confirms" to the Tendos that Ranma was in fact born a girl, putting to rest some doubts which had started to fester.

I'd have to think about whether to gender swap others like Shampoo, Ukyo and Ryoga, or keep them as they are. Ukyo might be interesting as a crossdressing lesbian, who became that way after the humiliation of Ranma casting aside their engagement. She's as shocked as Ranma to learn that she was mistaken all these years about the other person's gender. The fact that Ranma was supposedly female means that it wasn't "her" fault after all that the engagement didn't work out, and the lesbian sees a pretty hot redhead, and decides to try to steal her former "girlfriend" from those distasteful guys.


  1. I like what I'm seeing here, though I would do one thing with Ryoga if I'd somehow get the inspiration and confidence to write this - I'd change his curse. I know this has been done a few times, but having Ryoga with the same curse as Ranma would not only give the later someone to relate to, but double the potential hilarity when Ranma would inevitably try to hoist some of his/her boy problems to him.

    Loved the Ukyo idea; that one I don't recall anyone ever writing, so that would definitely have to go into the story. I just wonder how it would affect Ranma's masculine pride to have everyone go after his female side - even some of the girls - when in reality he's a guy.

    As for Shampoo...I got nothing, though the suggestion given by H.Saotome does feel new and something I at least think hasn't been done before.

    The Tendo brothers would still probably pose the most challenging to work with. Kazuma, should he become interested of Ranma, would probably have it hard when it comes to wooing Ranma, as he will no doubt find 'her' crass and sometimes crude behavior either refreshing from his usual conquests, or a outright turn-off. Noburo, I think, would have snowball's chance in Hell, especially if his past escapades with the fairer sex would come to light. That of course could just make him try that much harder. Aneko on the other hand would probably have it easiest, as if he's not actively trying to woo Ranma, and just trying to be a friend, he might actually have it the easiest.

    Having Kodachi sicking majority of her school's student female body after Aneko in hopes of making herself look more favorable option could be interesting to read about. And as for having Genma try and convince Ranma into a female school uniform...I don't think he'd be able to pull that one off without Nodoka's aid, or without having his curse locked.

    I really hope someone would pick this idea up and run with it. This might actually be quite interesting to read - lemon or not.

    - E.S.

    1. I didn't make a suggestion about Shampoo. Perhap's you're referring to TH's suggestion that she'd be a male Musk warrior?

      If I were writing it, I'd probably have Noburo trick Ranma into the sack, probably by getting her drunk. Then I might have Kazuma comfort her afterward, and have Ranma both horny and distressed, and "surrender" herself to Kazuma.

      I've played with several ideas for Ryoga, but am not yet satisfied with any of them.

    2. Yes, sorry - I was referring to TH's suggestion. My bad, sorry. Been awake for far too long, read way too much text over the past 13 hours, and I really ought to be asleep by now.

      As for the idea of having Noburo tricking Ranma into drinking herself drunk, that could end up being messy. Unless Noburo is someone who can take a beating, the end result of something like that could get him seriously injured. And if he's anywhere near as smart as Nabiki was in the canon, he'd be aware of that. The only way he would conceivably be able to dodge the proverbial bullet, would be to either ensure Ranma would never find out what happened or that it was him who slept with her. Either that or he's certain his skill in the sack will ensure she's not going to be mad at him afterwards.

      Kazuma playing the role of the peacekeeper might be one reason to avoid having her twist her brother into unrecognizable pretzel, and if he truly is a sweet talker, I might see him succeeding in snaring Ranma. But if he did that, I don't see Aneko having any chances after that. Unless Kazuma can make her take the initiative and then claim that he did it only to make her feel better, nothing more, which would be a rather dick move in my opinion, but it would give Aneko a chance.

      I apologize if there are any grammar errors in my writing. It's late, I'm tired, and I think I'm starting to suffer from tunnel vision - which means I'm about to start suffering from a migraine. Joy.

      - E.S.

  2. Ah, but I don't necessarily have an objection to Noburo getting a beating afterward. And Ranma isn't likely to make it a fatal beating so long as Noburo wasn't incredibly obvious about what he was doing.

    And I suspect there would be a certain amount of successful rivalry between Kazuma and Akeno, with both showing actual affection for the redhead. But I see Kazuma having a certain amount of difficulty giving up chasing other skirts, and especially a particularly hot nurse named Toku.
