Friday, October 5, 2012

Kagome porn pairings

I was sitting here thinking about the which guys I'd be interested in having sex with Kagome Higurashi of Inuyasha in a porn setting. In a non-porn setting, I'm strictly interested in the canon pairing of Kagome and Inuyasha. In porn, I could also enjoy Kagome having sex with Inuyasha, including rape by a temporarily full-demon Inuyasha. I could also see Kagome being fooled into sex by a teenage Shippo impersonating Inuyasha, being fondled by Miroku under circumstances where he can take advantage of her, being molested by her grandfather, or teaching her younger brother about sex. I could enjoy a well written story where she is raped by Naraku (or one of his incarnations), by Hojo, or by other schoolmates or strangers in the future.

The one male for whom the thought leaves me cold of sex between him and Kagome is Sesshomaru. I don't know why, but the thought is simply distasteful to me. It's not that I dislike the character. I can be quite happy with contemplating Sesshomaru paired with Kagura, Rin (grown up), or no one. But the thought of Sesshomaru sticking his dick in Kagome makes my skin crawl for some reason.

Hmm, that thought of Shippo impersonating Inuyasha is actually rather interesting. Although if he used it to take her virginity, he'd better be planning to disappear very thoroughly afterward, since Inuyasha would be bound to learn of it. But if Kagome and Inuyasha had started a relationship, and Inuyasha snuck off to meet Kikyo without telling Kagome, then Shippo might be able to get away with it. Of course, I see this with a slightly older version of Shippo, possibly a few years later than the canon setting.

Edit: Curiously, some of this is almost identical to material I wrote back in June 2011. I'd completely forgotten about it.

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