Saturday, October 20, 2012

Poll response

Wow, hit 100 votes so far on the poll. That's more than I was expecting.


  1. it was the willing part of the question that gave me a bit of a problem. I picked Shampoo, but if it had been plain sexually submissive it might have been Ranma-chan and Shampoo.

  2. Maybe I'll make that a future question. I was thinking of doing a series of polls, regarding lemon content and the Ranma cast.

    I was also thinking of shortening the voting period to two weeks in future, instead of a month. That's assuming I can keep my current posting frequency up, so people have a reason to check in regularly.

  3. The poll was going ok until a few days ago when things started to get messy. Just check it, it blows off, someone must be voting everybody several time a day (with a computeur lab or changed IP)
    Things were like: Ranchan 50%; Akane 40%, other Tendo and Nodoka 20/30% and the others almost nothing... Now, in two days only, things went crazy!

    1. Yeah, I know. No real way to prevent that. Hopefully, it will still give a notion of relative standing, although I see that Shampoo is a lot closer to Nodoka than she had been. In any case, it's only for fun, not to have any decision made on the basis of the numbers. Pity someone wanted to be a jackass about it.
